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DRO – Debt Relief Order update 6/3/24

New government announcement for DRO (Debt Relief Orders)

Goverment increase the threshold to £50k and remove the £90 fee from 6th April 2024

In an effort to assist households grappling with significant debt issues, the UK government has announced an enhancement to the accessibility of Debt Relief Orders (DROs).

Designed as a personal insolvency solution for those unable to meet their debt obligations, DROs provide a pathway to financial recovery. As part of the Spring Budget announcements, from 6 April 2024, the government will eliminate the £90 administration fee previously associated with applying for a DRO. Furthermore, significant adjustments are set to be introduced to expand the eligibility criteria for DROs. From 28 June 2024, the maximum allowable debt limit for applicants will be increased from £30,000 to £50,000. In addition, the value of a motor vehicle an individual can own whilst still qualifying for a DRO will be raised from £2,000 to £4,000.

These modifications are part of a broader initiative to make debt relief more accessible to those in need, supported by the government’s unprecedented investment in debt advisory services across England. This initiative underscores the government’s commitment to providing robust support systems for individuals seeking to navigate their way out of financial distress and start anew with their financial affairs.

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Going Bankrupt

– Bankruptcy Is A Beginning – Not An End –

We offer confidential, sympathetic help and solutions for people who are thinking about going bankrupt or entering into a formal debt solution.

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Is it the right solution for you?

May not be suitable in all circumstances. Your credit rating may be affected. Fees apply on successful applications which will be advised and built into your payment plan.

– Eligibility Check –

You could include the following debts:

More details on Debt Solutions

Debt Relief Order

About DROs (Debt Relief Order)?

A Debt Relief Order (DRO) is a method of debt relief for those that have a relatively small amount of debt and very few assets

Debt-Free after 12 Months

DRO Benefits
  • Duration

    Lasts for 12 months in total at the end of which your debts are written-off.

  • Legal Protection

    Creditors can no longer proceed with legal action once the Debt Relief Order has been approved.

  • Payments

    You are not required to make any monthly repayments.

  • Interest & Charges

    Interest and charges are frozen once the Debt Relief Order is approved.

DRO Considerations
  • Fees

    There is a one-off fee of £90 to process your application through an Approved Intermediary.

  • No homeowners

    Not available to homeowners
  • Credit Rating

    The Debt Relief Order will be recorded and have a negative impact on your credit file for a period of 6 years.

  • Public Register

    Your personal details will be recorded on the Insolvency Register which is a public record.

  • Change in Circumstances

    If your circumstances change during the 12-month period and you no longer meet the eligibility criteria, it is likely that the application will be canceled, and you will need to make alternative arrangements to pay your debts.

  • Employment

    A Debt Relief Order may impact upon your employment; therefore, you should always check the terms of your employment contract before making an application. You are also unable to be a company director unless you have permission of the court.

Check Your Options

Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVA)

About IVAs 

An Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) is a legally binding agreement between an individual and their creditors. It is a solution that allows a person to only repay a percentage of their unsecured debt to their creditors in affordable monthly payments, usually over a fixed term of five or six years.

IVA Benefits
  • Assets Protected

    If you are a homeowner, your home will be protected and not put at risk of being sold.

  • Affordable Payment

    One affordable, monthly repayment which makes your finances much easier to manage.

  • Timeframe

    A set time period (usually 5 or 6 years), giving you a countdown to becoming debt free.

  • Legal Protection

    Once approved, creditors can no longer proceed with legal action against you.

  • Peace of Mind

    Creditors are no longer able to contact you regarding your debts.

  • Interest & Charges

    Interest and charges are frozen once your proposal has been approved.

IVA Considerations
  • Fees

    There are fees payable for the work completed in setting up and managing your IVA, however, these fees are taken out of your monthly repayments and are NOT in addition to the payments made to your creditors.

  • Credit Rating

    An IVA will be recorded and have a negative impact on your credit file for a period of 6 years.

  • Public Register

    Your personal details will be recorded on the Insolvency Register which is a public record.

  • Equity Release

    If you are a homeowner, you may be required to release equity from your home in order to help repay your debts. If you are unable to remortgage, the IVA may be extended for 12 months instead.

  • Windfalls

    If you receive a windfall such as an inheritance or a lottery win, you are required to pay a proportion of this into the IVA.

  • Approval

    Creditors may decide not to approve the proposed Arrangement.

Check Your Options


Bankruptcy is a legally binding debt solution to resolve a debt problem that cannot be resolved. In Scotland, this is sometimes called sequestration.

Bankruptcy Benefits
  • Duration

    Bankruptcy often lasts for only 12 months in total.

  • Legal Protection

    Once approved, creditors can no longer proceed with legal action against you.

  • Peace of Mind

    Creditors are no longer able to contact you regarding your debts.

  • Interest & Charges

    Interest and charges are frozen once the bankruptcy application has been approved.

Bankruptcy Considerations
  • Assets

    If you own a home or possessions of significant value, these items could be sold to help repay your debts.

  • Fees

    There is an application fee of £680, although this can be paid in installments.

  • Payments

    You could be asked to make payments towards your debts for a period of up to 3 years.

  • Credit Rating

    Bankruptcy will be recorded and have a negative impact on your credit file for a period of 6 years.

  • Public Register

    Your personal details will be recorded on the Insolvency Register which is a public record.

  • Employment

    Bankruptcy may impact your employment; therefore, you should always check the terms of your employment contract before making an application. You are also unable to be a company director unless you have permission from the court.

Check Your Options

If you wish to see if you are eligible for Bankruptcy, our expert team of Advisors are here to help.

Debt Management

A Debt Management Plan (DMP) is an informal agreement between you and your creditors that has been negotiated, usually by a third party, to lower the monthly payments being paid to your creditors. A DMP is arranged on your behalf by a third party which can either be a debt charity or a fee charging company. If you chose to use a fee charging company, there will usually be set up fees and a monthly management fee which will normally be included within your monthly payment.

DMP Benefits
  • Affordable

    One affordable monthly repayment which is then distributed between each of your creditors.

  • Peace of mind

    Most contact from creditors will be dealt with by the Debt Management company on your behalf.

  • Interest & Charges

    Creditors may agree to reduce or freeze interest and charges, although this is not guaranteed.

  • Free Service

    Debt charities offer a Debt Management Plan free of charge. Find out more from the Money Advice Service.

DMP Considerations
  • Timescales

    One affordable monthly repayment which is then distributed between each of your creditors.

  • Fees

    A debt management company may charge fees for their services.

  • Priority Bills

    Such as rent, council tax and utility bills are unlikely to be included in the plan.

  • Credit Rating

    A Debt Management Plan is likely to have a negative impact on your credit rating, making it more difficult to obtain credit in the future.

  • No Legal Protection

    Creditor can choose to continue with their debt collection process, which can lead to further action such as a default or County Court Judgment.

Check Your Options

If you wish to see if you are eligible for a Debt Management Plan, our expert team of Advisors are here to help.

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Going Bankrupt

Getting help with debt 

See what solution can help you

Going Bankrupt

– Bankruptcy Is A Beginning – Not An End –

We offer confidential, sympathetic help and solutions for people who are thinking about going bankrupt or entering into a formal debt solution.

Check My Options

Is it the right solution for you?

May not be suitable in all circumstances. Your credit rating may be affected. Fees apply on successful applications which will be advised and built into your payment plan.

– Eligibility Check –

You could include the following debts:

More details on Debt Solutions

Debt Relief Order

About DROs (Debt Relief Order)?

A Debt Relief Order (DRO) is a method of debt relief for those that have a relatively small amount of debt and very few assets

Debt-Free after 12 Months

DRO Benefits
  • Duration

    Lasts for 12 months in total at the end of which your debts are written-off.

  • Legal Protection

    Creditors can no longer proceed with legal action once the Debt Relief Order has been approved.

  • Payments

    You are not required to make any monthly repayments.

  • Interest & Charges

    Interest and charges are frozen once the Debt Relief Order is approved.

DRO Considerations
  • Fees

    There is a one-off fee of £90 to process your application through an Approved Intermediary.

  • No homeowners

    Not available to homeowners
  • Credit Rating

    The Debt Relief Order will be recorded and have a negative impact on your credit file for a period of 6 years.

  • Public Register

    Your personal details will be recorded on the Insolvency Register which is a public record.

  • Change in Circumstances

    If your circumstances change during the 12-month period and you no longer meet the eligibility criteria, it is likely that the application will be canceled, and you will need to make alternative arrangements to pay your debts.

  • Employment

    A Debt Relief Order may impact upon your employment; therefore, you should always check the terms of your employment contract before making an application. You are also unable to be a company director unless you have permission of the court.

Check Your Options

Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVA)

About IVAs 

An Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) is a legally binding agreement between an individual and their creditors. It is a solution that allows a person to only repay a percentage of their unsecured debt to their creditors in affordable monthly payments, usually over a fixed term of five or six years.

IVA Benefits
  • Assets Protected

    If you are a homeowner, your home will be protected and not put at risk of being sold.

  • Affordable Payment

    One affordable, monthly repayment which makes your finances much easier to manage.

  • Timeframe

    A set time period (usually 5 or 6 years), giving you a countdown to becoming debt free.

  • Legal Protection

    Once approved, creditors can no longer proceed with legal action against you.

  • Peace of Mind

    Creditors are no longer able to contact you regarding your debts.

  • Interest & Charges

    Interest and charges are frozen once your proposal has been approved.

IVA Considerations
  • Fees

    There are fees payable for the work completed in setting up and managing your IVA, however, these fees are taken out of your monthly repayments and are NOT in addition to the payments made to your creditors.

  • Credit Rating

    An IVA will be recorded and have a negative impact on your credit file for a period of 6 years.

  • Public Register

    Your personal details will be recorded on the Insolvency Register which is a public record.

  • Equity Release

    If you are a homeowner, you may be required to release equity from your home in order to help repay your debts. If you are unable to remortgage, the IVA may be extended for 12 months instead.

  • Windfalls

    If you receive a windfall such as an inheritance or a lottery win, you are required to pay a proportion of this into the IVA.

  • Approval

    Creditors may decide not to approve the proposed Arrangement.

Check Your Options


Bankruptcy is a legally binding debt solution to resolve a debt problem that cannot be resolved. In Scotland, this is sometimes called sequestration.

Bankruptcy Benefits
  • Duration

    Bankruptcy often lasts for only 12 months in total.

  • Legal Protection

    Once approved, creditors can no longer proceed with legal action against you.

  • Peace of Mind

    Creditors are no longer able to contact you regarding your debts.

  • Interest & Charges

    Interest and charges are frozen once the bankruptcy application has been approved.

Bankruptcy Considerations
  • Assets

    If you own a home or possessions of significant value, these items could be sold to help repay your debts.

  • Fees

    There is an application fee of £680, although this can be paid in installments.

  • Payments

    You could be asked to make payments towards your debts for a period of up to 3 years.

  • Credit Rating

    Bankruptcy will be recorded and have a negative impact on your credit file for a period of 6 years.

  • Public Register

    Your personal details will be recorded on the Insolvency Register which is a public record.

  • Employment

    Bankruptcy may impact your employment; therefore, you should always check the terms of your employment contract before making an application. You are also unable to be a company director unless you have permission from the court.

Check Your Options

If you wish to see if you are eligible for Bankruptcy, our expert team of Advisors are here to help.

Debt Management

A Debt Management Plan (DMP) is an informal agreement between you and your creditors that has been negotiated, usually by a third party, to lower the monthly payments being paid to your creditors. A DMP is arranged on your behalf by a third party which can either be a debt charity or a fee charging company. If you chose to use a fee charging company, there will usually be set up fees and a monthly management fee which will normally be included within your monthly payment.

DMP Benefits
  • Affordable

    One affordable monthly repayment which is then distributed between each of your creditors.

  • Peace of mind

    Most contact from creditors will be dealt with by the Debt Management company on your behalf.

  • Interest & Charges

    Creditors may agree to reduce or freeze interest and charges, although this is not guaranteed.

  • Free Service

    Debt charities offer a Debt Management Plan free of charge. Find out more from the Money Advice Service.

DMP Considerations
  • Timescales

    One affordable monthly repayment which is then distributed between each of your creditors.

  • Fees

    A debt management company may charge fees for their services.

  • Priority Bills

    Such as rent, council tax and utility bills are unlikely to be included in the plan.

  • Credit Rating

    A Debt Management Plan is likely to have a negative impact on your credit rating, making it more difficult to obtain credit in the future.

  • No Legal Protection

    Creditor can choose to continue with their debt collection process, which can lead to further action such as a default or County Court Judgment.

Check Your Options

If you wish to see if you are eligible for a Debt Management Plan, our expert team of Advisors are here to help.

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Getting help with debt 

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– Council Tax Debt ? –

Council Tax Arears

There are debt solutions that can help when in financial difficulty giving you legal protection against bailiffs.

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Debt Relief Order

– Debt-Free after 12 Months –

DRO Benefits

100% of Unsecure Debt Written Off
No Monthly Repayments
Stop Creditors Chasing you

DRO Disadvantages

£90 Receiver Fee to be paid
DRO Added to Individual Insolvency Register
Restrictions to follow


– Reduce Monthly Payments –

IVA Benefits

Unaffordable debt written off
Lower Single Monthly Repayments
Stop Creditors 
Legal Protection

IVA Disadvantages

You may not be approved by the creditors

The IVA is recorded on a public register

There are fees and charges payable within an IVA solution. These are agreed upon with your creditors as part of the proposal. The fees are incorporated into your affordable monthly payment.

May not be suitable in all circumstances. Your credit rating may be affected. Fees apply on successful applications which will be advised and built into your payment plan.

– Eligibility Check –

You could include the following debts:

More details on Debt Solutions

Debt Relief Order

About DROs (Debt Relief Order)?

A Debt Relief Order (DRO) is a method of debt relief for those that have a relatively small amount of debt and very few assets

Debt-Free after 12 Months

DRO Benefits
  • Duration

    Lasts for 12 months in total at the end of which your debts are written-off.

  • Legal Protection

    Creditors can no longer proceed with legal action once the Debt Relief Order has been approved.

  • Payments

    You are not required to make any monthly repayments.

  • Interest & Charges

    Interest and charges are frozen once the Debt Relief Order is approved.

DRO Considerations
  • Fees

    There is a one-off fee of £90 to process your application through an Approved Intermediary.

  • No homeowners

    Not available to homeowners
  • Credit Rating

    The Debt Relief Order will be recorded and have a negative impact on your credit file for a period of 6 years.

  • Public Register

    Your personal details will be recorded on the Insolvency Register which is a public record.

  • Change in Circumstances

    If your circumstances change during the 12-month period and you no longer meet the eligibility criteria, it is likely that the application will be canceled, and you will need to make alternative arrangements to pay your debts.

  • Employment

    A Debt Relief Order may impact upon your employment; therefore, you should always check the terms of your employment contract before making an application. You are also unable to be a company director unless you have permission of the court.

Check Your Options

Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVA)

About IVAs 

An Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) is a legally binding agreement between an individual and their creditors. It is a solution that allows a person to only repay a percentage of their unsecured debt to their creditors in affordable monthly payments, usually over a fixed term of five or six years.

IVA Benefits
  • Assets Protected

    If you are a homeowner, your home will be protected and not put at risk of being sold.

  • Affordable Payment

    One affordable, monthly repayment which makes your finances much easier to manage.

  • Timeframe

    A set time period (usually 5 or 6 years), giving you a countdown to becoming debt free.

  • Legal Protection

    Once approved, creditors can no longer proceed with legal action against you.

  • Peace of Mind

    Creditors are no longer able to contact you regarding your debts.

  • Interest & Charges

    Interest and charges are frozen once your proposal has been approved.

IVA Considerations
  • Fees

    There are fees payable for the work completed in setting up and managing your IVA, however, these fees are taken out of your monthly repayments and are NOT in addition to the payments made to your creditors.

  • Credit Rating

    An IVA will be recorded and have a negative impact on your credit file for a period of 6 years.

  • Public Register

    Your personal details will be recorded on the Insolvency Register which is a public record.

  • Equity Release

    If you are a homeowner, you may be required to release equity from your home in order to help repay your debts. If you are unable to remortgage, the IVA may be extended for 12 months instead.

  • Windfalls

    If you receive a windfall such as an inheritance or a lottery win, you are required to pay a proportion of this into the IVA.

  • Approval

    Creditors may decide not to approve the proposed Arrangement.

Check Your Options


Bankruptcy is a legally binding debt solution to resolve a debt problem that cannot be resolved. In Scotland, this is sometimes called sequestration.

Bankruptcy Benefits
  • Duration

    Bankruptcy often lasts for only 12 months in total.

  • Legal Protection

    Once approved, creditors can no longer proceed with legal action against you.

  • Peace of Mind

    Creditors are no longer able to contact you regarding your debts.

  • Interest & Charges

    Interest and charges are frozen once the bankruptcy application has been approved.

Bankruptcy Considerations
  • Assets

    If you own a home or possessions of significant value, these items could be sold to help repay your debts.

  • Fees

    There is an application fee of £680, although this can be paid in installments.

  • Payments

    You could be asked to make payments towards your debts for a period of up to 3 years.

  • Credit Rating

    Bankruptcy will be recorded and have a negative impact on your credit file for a period of 6 years.

  • Public Register

    Your personal details will be recorded on the Insolvency Register which is a public record.

  • Employment

    Bankruptcy may impact your employment; therefore, you should always check the terms of your employment contract before making an application. You are also unable to be a company director unless you have permission from the court.

Check Your Options

If you wish to see if you are eligible for Bankruptcy, our expert team of Advisors are here to help.

Debt Management

A Debt Management Plan (DMP) is an informal agreement between you and your creditors that has been negotiated, usually by a third party, to lower the monthly payments being paid to your creditors. A DMP is arranged on your behalf by a third party which can either be a debt charity or a fee charging company. If you chose to use a fee charging company, there will usually be set up fees and a monthly management fee which will normally be included within your monthly payment.

DMP Benefits
  • Affordable

    One affordable monthly repayment which is then distributed between each of your creditors.

  • Peace of mind

    Most contact from creditors will be dealt with by the Debt Management company on your behalf.

  • Interest & Charges

    Creditors may agree to reduce or freeze interest and charges, although this is not guaranteed.

  • Free Service

    Debt charities offer a Debt Management Plan free of charge. Find out more from the Money Advice Service.

DMP Considerations
  • Timescales

    One affordable monthly repayment which is then distributed between each of your creditors.

  • Fees

    A debt management company may charge fees for their services.

  • Priority Bills

    Such as rent, council tax and utility bills are unlikely to be included in the plan.

  • Credit Rating

    A Debt Management Plan is likely to have a negative impact on your credit rating, making it more difficult to obtain credit in the future.

  • No Legal Protection

    Creditor can choose to continue with their debt collection process, which can lead to further action such as a default or County Court Judgment.

Check Your Options

If you wish to see if you are eligible for a Debt Management Plan, our expert team of Advisors are here to help.

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